Friday, October 28, 2016

Establishing Cash Flow in Business

Establishing Cash Flow in Business

Whenever we are starting a new business or venture, cash flow is the most critical element. As Paul Maguire says, it’s oxygen for your business. That means planning your month, quarter and years promotions and activities are vitals and required for your success.
To help you plan for the close of the year, I put together a quarter branded plan outlined with examples of how I manage my sales cycles to keep the cash flow in business going. 

For Better Cash Flow in Business Think About Your Entire Quarter

It is important to understand your budgeting needs for the entire quarter. This will allow you to break down your financial needs for each month and see how they fit together. If you are going to be successful in your business, you need to know what your financial commitments are.

You Need a Budget

If ever there was a need for a budget, it is when you are a business owner. Without an understanding of your financial obligations, you can get into deep trouble real quick. What if you have a big bill that you need to pay in the second month of the quarter? How are you going to pay the bill if you haven’t earned enough in sales?
That is why having a quarter branding plan is essential.

What is a Quarterly Branding Plan?

A quarterly branding plan allows you to map out exactly what you need to do to bring in the earnings necessary to cover both your personal and business expenses. You will develop very specific action plans that help you know what has to be done every day in order to reach your goals.
Download this Quarter Branded Plan example for free.

Quarter Branded Plan

In this document, I give you a real life scenario of how Brian and I would structure our quarter to host an event. In order to get interested people to the event, we will launch a 4 week workshop and host weekly calls to bring in new members to our Freedom-preneur academy.

What is the Freedom-preneur Academy?

Over the last few years, we have realized that there is a major hole in the online marketing industry. If you do enough searching around and digging, you will find all of the information you need to build a successful business. The problem is, many people run out of time and funds long before they find all of that information.
We created the Freedom-preneur Academy to house all of that valuable information you need to be successful. When you sign up to join our academy, you will have access to training videos and worksheets that will help you know exactly what you need to do.
Not only do we offer the video training courses, but you can also plug into the online community of other Freedom-preneurs that are in the academy. These men and women bring so many skills and knowledge to the table.

Establishing Sales Funnels and Developing a Lead Magnet

If you are going to effectively establish cash flow in your business, then you have to understand sales funnels. Developing the right lead magnet is where you need to start. A lead magnet is a free product, like an ebook, that will grab the attention of your target audience.
Download this free PDF that will lead you through developing an effective lead magnet.

Creating Lead Magnets With Links

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